#1 Using an OSHA compliant Safety Data Sheet:
Used as the primary document for worker safety, the Safety Data Sheet (or SDS) is crucial to your success in registering products. This document carries most of the information that is needed for product registration and will also be uploaded in conjunction with the data you input during the registration process.
Before submitting your SDS, be sure it follows the 16 section GHS format standard guidelines. Pay particular attention that Section 2 provides information for Hazards Identification and Section 3 provides the product’s composition, as these two sections have been used differently in other legacy SDS formats. Also, be sure classifications and accurate pictograms are used in Section 2 that are consistent with the composition data you have identified Section 3.
For more details on what an OSHA compliant SDS is, please proceed to the links shown below:
OSHA requirements for Safety Data Sheets.
OSHA pictograms that must be applied to Section 2 of your SDS.
I want an introduction to WERCSmart.
This article will show how to enroll in our interactive WERCSmart webinar, there is a full section regarding SDS compliance along with an example SDS.
If you find that your current SDS is not OSHA compliant, you can request that a Regulatory representative from WERCSmart author a compliant SDS for your product:
SDS authoring is an available option that can be selected during the registration process rather than uploading your own SDS.
SDS authoring costs $275 for products that are not regulated for transport and $350 for products that are regulated for transport.
If you have a Premium Subscription plan, you can waive the cost of getting an SDS authored. For more details on what is included with each subscription, please proceed to this article: What are the Subscription plans?
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